Monday, 7 October 2019

WT19 R3 combo

R3 is a cardioid-based combo, aiming to use wipers in a different way to existing videos while increasing difficulty and density. Difficulty and mechanics shown are considerably more advanced than R2. 0:03 - 0:06 section was quite hard to learn, and is the most difficult linkage I have shown to date.

0:01 - 0:03 flush sonic + inverse side sonic wiper 14-24 - side sonic 24
- ring finger moving from out → in → out

0:03 - 0:04 Tb1 pushed palm down curled index-middle around ~ palm down fingerless middlearound to 24 (ring out) - 24 wiper
- different use of curled finger, no one has used curled PD around like this before to my knowledge

0:04 - 0:06 24 wiper (ring out) - curled index fxxk to 14 (catch mid in, ring out) - angled wiper 14-12
- fxxk cardioid, but with index finger curled for the fxxk
- caught in 14 with the finger position used increases difficulty significantly
- having this linkage right after the previous one also increases difficulty due to there being consecutive hard elements without filler in between

0:06 - 0:08 vertical plane wiper (clockwise) 12-14 (mid out, ring in) > fingerswitch to mid in, ring out > pass rev 23-bt2
- fingerswitch is subtle, not particularly hard though 

0:08 - 0:09 raimo bak rev + ipba rev 24-14 (catch mid in, ring out) > wiper 14 + pass rev 14-23
- hard linkage based on pinky bust cardioid to 14 + inverse side flush sonic

0:09 - 0:10 mid spread 23 > vertical plane wiper (counterclockwise) 23
- unusual linking of this type of wiper, based on mid spread cardioid idea
- this is power V6 compilation has a clip of pinky spread cardioid, but I am not good enough to use it in combo yet

0:12 - 0:14 pinky bust cardioid x 2
- first time this trick has been done cont in combo to my knowledge
- difficulty increased due to being ending

While I was practising, the success rate of 0:03 - 0:06 linkage by itself was worse than 1/20 initially, with improvement to around 1/6 to 1/7 at time of filming (about 200 tries of 0:03 - 0:06 section to determine this result).

The ending consistency was still absolutely terrible even when I had raised personal record of pinky bust cardioid, the success rate of training 0:11 - 0:14 by itself was around 1/20 (also used about 200 tries of 0:11 - 0:14 section to determine this result).

I tried filming the combo at several angles, with the submitted angle being the one I was most satisfied with (even though it probably looks a bit funny to some people). 

Exploring different trick families is really fun =D

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