Sunday, 27 October 2019

WT19 R4 combo

Finally pulling out truly hard material this round. I haven't made any fl combo over 10 seconds for quite a while.

The difficulty is far higher than R1-R3
- hardest material shown in those videos is R2's ending linkage and R3 hardest linkage (R3 0:03 - 0:06)
- R4 can be considered as 4 sections as outlined below, 3 of which are of comparable difficulty to those sections

0:01 - 0:04
indexspin ~ index mid mirrored powerpass reverse ~ ring pop ~ arm bounce
- extra 0.5 spin on index

mid ring mirrored powerpass reverse - triangle pass 234 - powerpass 23-34
- a lot harder due to arm bounce entry
- maintaining control and speed for the triangle pass is probably hardest part of this link

0:05 - 0:08
hai tua ~ palm down fingerless pinkyaround reverse (fingers closed) - palm down fingerless middlearound reverse (fingers open) ~ mirrored fingerless middlearound reverse ~ ring spiderspin
- highlight sequence of this combo: proper integration of pd fl around rev into fl combo without any catches in between
- different mechanics in doing the pd fl around rev with fingers closed and fingers open
- mirr fl ma rev ~ ring ss requires hitting pen from other side (see slomo, it is far harder to do this than ordinary fl ma ~ ring ss)

0:08 - 0:10
index mid mirrored powerpass reverse - inverse mirrored powerpass reverse - fingerless indexaround - spiderspin
- the visual effect of the inv mirr pp rev contrasts with previous material
- the easiest sequence of this combo

0:10 - 0:13
fist bust fishing - fist bust x 2
- doing fishing like this requires changing angle of pen's rotation during difficult tricks (see slomo)
- fist bust typically rotates fairly horizontally, whereas the fishing part has pen spinning diagonally
- around 1/4 to 1/5 chance of doing fist bust x 2 successfully in this sequence (compared with just doing x 1)
- made more difficult by being ending

As far as I know, this is first time this material has been used in complete fl combo - only idea that has been used in previous tournaments was the wrist bounce. This is the first combo in this WT where fairly high proportional of my difficulty capacity has been shown (as opposed to R1 fourth root, R2 third root and R3 square root).

Aside from the difficulty, the variety of mechanics in the fl linking is quite large. To use this kind of material effectively throughout a combo, every sequence must feel like a highlight, while also displaying different visual effect.

Unfortunately there are several areas of relative filler (the powerpass 23-34 in first sequence, and the fl ia ss before the ending). Otherwise, the material shown has sufficiently high density for my current ability.

Sorry for hair on frame, hopefully I can pass despite that.
R5 is another step above this combo, so I am praying for victory.

Monday, 7 October 2019

WT19 R3 combo

R3 is a cardioid-based combo, aiming to use wipers in a different way to existing videos while increasing difficulty and density. Difficulty and mechanics shown are considerably more advanced than R2. 0:03 - 0:06 section was quite hard to learn, and is the most difficult linkage I have shown to date.

0:01 - 0:03 flush sonic + inverse side sonic wiper 14-24 - side sonic 24
- ring finger moving from out → in → out

0:03 - 0:04 Tb1 pushed palm down curled index-middle around ~ palm down fingerless middlearound to 24 (ring out) - 24 wiper
- different use of curled finger, no one has used curled PD around like this before to my knowledge

0:04 - 0:06 24 wiper (ring out) - curled index fxxk to 14 (catch mid in, ring out) - angled wiper 14-12
- fxxk cardioid, but with index finger curled for the fxxk
- caught in 14 with the finger position used increases difficulty significantly
- having this linkage right after the previous one also increases difficulty due to there being consecutive hard elements without filler in between

0:06 - 0:08 vertical plane wiper (clockwise) 12-14 (mid out, ring in) > fingerswitch to mid in, ring out > pass rev 23-bt2
- fingerswitch is subtle, not particularly hard though 

0:08 - 0:09 raimo bak rev + ipba rev 24-14 (catch mid in, ring out) > wiper 14 + pass rev 14-23
- hard linkage based on pinky bust cardioid to 14 + inverse side flush sonic

0:09 - 0:10 mid spread 23 > vertical plane wiper (counterclockwise) 23
- unusual linking of this type of wiper, based on mid spread cardioid idea
- this is power V6 compilation has a clip of pinky spread cardioid, but I am not good enough to use it in combo yet

0:12 - 0:14 pinky bust cardioid x 2
- first time this trick has been done cont in combo to my knowledge
- difficulty increased due to being ending

While I was practising, the success rate of 0:03 - 0:06 linkage by itself was worse than 1/20 initially, with improvement to around 1/6 to 1/7 at time of filming (about 200 tries of 0:03 - 0:06 section to determine this result).

The ending consistency was still absolutely terrible even when I had raised personal record of pinky bust cardioid, the success rate of training 0:11 - 0:14 by itself was around 1/20 (also used about 200 tries of 0:11 - 0:14 section to determine this result).

I tried filming the combo at several angles, with the submitted angle being the one I was most satisfied with (even though it probably looks a bit funny to some people). 

Exploring different trick families is really fun =D